Regional Health Forum, held for over 70 members of the healthcare system in Poland, ended in signing a „Safe hospital, safe patient” declaration. It emphasised the involvement of the patient in making decisions about diagnosis and therapy, the necessity to efficiently run the hospital and medical staff, the need to educate patients in health problems and the need for proper doctor-patient communication.
The conference was held on the 8th of July 2009 in Łódź Province Office under the auspices of The Voivode, Ms. Jolanta Chełmińska. The theme of this conference was „Patient safety in the healthcare system in Poland – challenges and achievements.” Medical and legal representatives, nongovernmental organizations and patients participated in the meeting. The honorary lecturer was Vice Minister of Health Mr Adam Fronczak, who presented assumptions of the Act of 21 May 2009 on individual and collective patients’ rights and on Commissioner for Patient’s Rights as a central authority protecting patients’ rights.
On the forum many issues were discussed such as patient claims and compensation for damages to patients in Scandinavian countries and in France. Attendants were also interested in the role of communication between a patient and medical staff, and in medical information as the basis for the commencement of treatment. Doctor’s duty is to convey a message clearly and reliably so that the patient can make an informed decision.
DECLARATION – „Safe hospital, safe patient”
- Effective hospital management and initiation of accreditation standards and ISO standards increases patient and medical staff safety.
- Patient safety depends on a proper level of medical services. Hospital staff attempts to broaden their medical knowledge and apply generally accepted treatment standards.
- The staff attempts to educate patients in health matters, remind them about prophylactics, which prevents illnesses and reduces costs of treatment.
- In a safe hospital sanitary and epidemiological rules are observed.
- Proper patient-personnel communication – involving the patient in decision making process about diagnosis and therapy – makes the treatment easier.