§ 1
The Board of “Bezpieczeństwo dla Pacjentów” (“Patients Safety”) Foundation operates in compliance with generally effective laws, the Foundation Charter and these Rules of Operation.
§ 2
The Foundation Board consists of two up to five members appointed by the Foundation Council for a period of 5-year term.
§ 3
Meetings of the Board are called at least once a month by President of the Board. Meetings may be also called any time upon a motion of President of the Board or at least two members of the Board.
§ 4
The Board takes its decisions at meetings by adopting resolutions by a simple majority of vote cast; if there is an even number of votes, the vote of President of the Board is decisive.
§ 5
The Board may adopt resolutions also by voting in writing without holding a meeting. Such a resolution adopted shall be valid provided that all members of the Board accept such a manner of voting in written statements and provide their opinion on the resolution contents.
§ 6
Executive-managing actions in relation to the resolutions shall be performed by General Director of the Foundation.
§ 7
Declarations of intent on behalf of the Foundation Board shall be made by two members of the Board or one member of the Board and an authorized representative appointed by the Board.
§ 8
The Board’s tasks include in particular:
- Resolving annual financial plans,
- Resolving rules of operation,
- Taking decisions in all matters that are not passed to the competence of other bodies,
- Taking decisions on joining companies, associations and other organizations and decisions on establishing them,
- Accepting gifts, inheritances and subsidies,
- Appointing Director of the Foundation.
§ 9
The Board may appoint authorized representatives to supervise a selected area of the matters within the Foundation’s tasks.
§ 10
Each year by 30 September the Board is obliged to submit Annual Report on the Foundation’s operation before the Foundation Council.
§ 11
The Board may appoint consultants and their teams among scientists or specialists to assess the activities performed by the Foundation or ask them to prepare respective opinions.
§ 12
The Rules of Operation were adopted at the Board’s meeting held on 11 September 2006.