Regina in Poland (Patients Safety Foundation)
IAPO Member Regina Kamoga, from Community Health and Information Network (CHAIN Uganda), recently visited Poland at the invitation of Jolanta Bilińska, President of Patients Safety Foundation and IAPO Chair Elect. At the meeting, Jolanta and Regina discussed the needs of the WHO AFRO region and IAPO’s Africa regional members. There is an acute need for African members to work closely in a joined-up way and to communicate the needs of African patients in a strong, unified voice on shared agendas.
The meeting also shared ideas and potential development areas to establish a regional mechanism for regular communication to share knowledge and resources. Specific areas of concern discussed were needs in the region of increasing health literacy within a backdrop of poor availability of patient-centred resources to prevent disease and make informed decisions.
A way forward discussed and to be shared with all regional members is to develop strategies to attract and mobilize resources to organize a regional African meeting, and the region to host an International IAPO Congress in the future.
Regina also took the advantage of meeting Wlodzimierz Sukiennik, vice-president of “Pro Salutem” (also IAPO member organization) in Warsaw.